

[VRChat]How to set up object etc. display ON/OFF by passcode

Explanation of how to set up object etc. display ON/OFF by passcode with the SDK3 world gimmick. Asset created by a Japanese person is explained in English. If you are a world creator, please take a look.

[VRChat] How to make switch that only certain people can use.

This is an explanation of how to use the SDK3 world gimmick to create buttons that can only be pressed by people with specific usernames. Japanese assets use. please use them for Home World Seisaku or for staff-only functions at events.


VRChatを想定してUnity向けにモデルを書き出すには.fbx形式を使います。 データチェック~書き出しの設定までを紹介します。 モデルを書き出して使いたい方はぜひご覧ください。