
[VRChat]How to teleport using portal with fade in/out

Explanation of how to teleport while fading in/out with the SDK3 world gimmick. Asset created by a Japanese person is explained in English. If you are a world creator, please take a look.

[VRChat] How to set the world thumbnail to any image

Includes tools for replacing thumbnails. It explains how to use this tool from the creation of materials. If you want to create a world for an event, please take a look.

【ブログ】Google AdSenseが灰色グルグルで貼れない時の対処法

ワードプレスブログで手動で広告を設定した際にコードの所で灰色のぐるぐるが出て貼れない時の対処法を解説。 原因はサーバーのセキュリティ(WAF)です。 こちらを無効化すると張れるようになります。

[VRChat] How to make switch that only certain people can use.

This is an explanation of how to use the SDK3 world gimmick to create buttons that can only be pressed by people with specific usernames. Japanese assets use. please use them for Home World Seisaku or for staff-only functions at events.

[VRChat] How to Objects etc. change ON/OFF with switch.

Introduction World Gimmick. Explains how to switch mirrors, objects, light etc. using Lura's Switch. This Asset is easy to understand design and allows you to quickly and cleanly create world switches!


VRChatや3DCGの着せ替えゲームなどに使えるキャラクタ―モデルの突き抜け対策法を5つ紹介。 内側のポリゴンを消さずに突き抜けを治したい方はぜひご覧ください。


キャラクターモデルを使ってUnityにBlenderデータを直接読み込み表示させる方法を解説。 販売用のVRChat向けモデル制作などにご活用ください。


アウトライナーを使ったBlenderデータを整理する方法を解説。 販売用のデータ整理やマテリアルやメッシュが増えすぎた際の対処法にご覧ください。

[VRChat] Play live videos from Youtube and Twitch etc. in VRChat.

World Gimmick explains how to saiseu Youtube and other videos on VRChat. You can set up playlists in advance, automatically play videos when you enter the world, etc. Please use it for background music etc. in the world.

[VRChat] How to display tag markers above your head

Explains how to implement a feature that displays a tag above your head when you press a button in the world gimmick. Use Japan Asset Yodocoro-chan tag marker. Please use it for planning events, etc.